XWin.exe segmentation fault on Windows 7

Chris LeBlanc crleblanc@gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 04:55:00 GMT 2012

Hi Mark,

> As Jon's reference [1] explains, merely disabling the BLODA might not be
> sufficient.  You may have to completely uninstall it to be rid of its effects.
> *Especially* if it has processes that re-launch themselves on kill; I mean, how
> can you know whether you've ruled this particular BLODA out as an explanation
> for the issue unless you've completely uninstalled it?
> HTH,

I agree completely.  My preference was to try a reinstall and go from
there since we know Cygwin works fine on a clean Windows 7 install.
Unfortunately our sysadmins don't want to reinstall the OS.

Being a corporate environment there's no chance of running this
machine without the approved virus scanner running.  I'll talk to the
them again and see if they will temporarily uninstall McAfee so we can
see if it's the cause of the problem.


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