Trouble getting a windowed X

Henry Camacho
Wed Nov 24 16:57:00 GMT 2004


1.  I have tried to read everything I can on this subject, and I have not 
had much luck after 2 days of messing around with this.

Here is what works:

Open rxvt
issue the command "X"
Cygwin/x starts up how I want it.  On just one of my monitors, with max/min 
buttons and a title bar.
I open another window...and issue "xterm -e "ssh -Y -l username host"
and finally startkde.  Works like a champ.

I have an Xserver up and running with Min and Max buttons, and 
KDE.  Perfect, except there is a terminal hanging around that I don't need 
on my desktop.  So I tried the following:

run X.

The server starts but the windowed screen doesn't show up.

*** Here is the bottomline question.  How can I get an Xserver running when 
I issue the command "X" and to have it detach from rxvt.  ***

I've tried to use XWin.exe with a number of options, but I have yet to 
duplicate what simply X does with no arguments.
I am running Windows XP SP2 with 3 Monitors.  I only want one monitor in 
use for XWindows.

Henry F. Camacho Jr. 

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