Mozilla patch

Gerrit P. Haase
Fri Nov 12 22:55:00 GMT 2004

bruno patin wrote:

> Ok I'm dowloading he source files. I don't think I will be ready to work 
> before tomorrow because of my testing of the install procedure and as my 
> connection is not as fast as thunder and as my daughters live on it a 
> lot (ah msn messenger :-( )and as I have to download a complete cygwin 
> distro ... So as soon as I'm ready and I lauch the configure, I report 
> to you. How will I be able to get your patch ? Will you send me the 
> files patched ?

Here is the patch, should apply against the daily snapshot from today or 

I have the source extracted three times, one directory from where I 
build (name: mozilla).  Then I have two directories with the original 
sources, one from the fetched tarball (name: mozilla-orig) and another 
tree where I apply the changes from the CVS repository (name: 
mozilla-cvs).  Before I start a build I do the following:

$ cd mozilla-cvs
$ cvs -z9 update
$ cd ..
$ diff -Nurdp mozilla-orig mozilla-cvs > mozilla-update.patch
$ cd mozilla
$ patch -p1<../mozilla-update.patch

Look where are conflicts now.

$ cd ../mozilla-orig
$ patch -p1<../mozilla-update.patch

This time there should be no conflicts.

Then update the local patch:
$ diff -Nurdp -x '.build' mozilla mozilla-orig > mozilla.patch

This way I have two reference trees, one identical with the CVS 
repository, one with my changes independat from the original.

I'm sure there are smarter ways to do stuff like this, eg. use CVS to 
get all the diffs from the older snapshot until todays repository 
contents, or do it all in one tree, but I like it this way.

My sophisticated build script is in the toplevel:

gerrit@loreley /ftproot/pub/mozilla
$ ls
export CC="ccache gcc"
export CXX="ccache g++"
mkdir -p mozilla/.build
cd mozilla/.build
../configure --prefix=/usr 2>&1 | tee ../log.conf
make 2>&1 | tee ../log.make
# end of script

Run the script:
$ ./

This lasts an hour or two...if there are no errors.

If you want use othe options to configure the tree, modify the file

To get a tarball in mozilla/.build/dist with the new compiled program 
there is a make target:

$ cd  mozilla/.build
$ make -C xpinstall/packager

This will create a tarball which extracts all into a directory named 
mozilla, just extract this tarball eg. from /opt, then cd to mozilla/ 
and run the script 'mozilla' in /opt/mozilla:
$ ./mozilla

Maybe adding /opt/mozilla to the PATH is not bad, then it can be started 
from everywhere, and X must be running already.

More details about building at the website:

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