Differnce between Xfree and Xorg

aroushdi aroushdi@hotmail.com
Mon May 17 10:12:00 GMT 2004

Alexander Gottwald wrote:
> aroushdi wrote:

> how is /tmp mounted?
With the mount command I realized that /tmp was mounted on \documents 
and settings . This is a new change .

> I've a small test program which prints the installed network devices.
> http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~goal/xfree/ls_netdev.tar.gz
> Please run it and report its output.
> bye
>     ago
> NP: Pulcher Femina - Dark Clouds
I am attaching file containing the information u need .I have added to 
it netstat -a results the Xwin.log which is running till now and then 
another Xwin.log which overwrote the old one and of course produced the 
same error ( unable to bind )
thank u again

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