Re Some undesirable behaviour in Test 77 [Kensuke, please respond]

Harold L Hunt II
Fri Jan 31 03:30:00 GMT 2003


I think that 4.2.0-20 was an unstripped build, whereas 4.2.0-21 was 
stripped.  The stripping should not have any effect on your problem.

So your problem has only to do with the -multiwindow mode.

I think Kensuke needs to look at this.  There may be some sort of race 
that is happening in the multiwindow code and the reproducibility of the 
bugs may be rather random.  I might look at it, but I won't have a lot 
of time until next week.


Raymond Kwong wrote:
> Harold:
> I downloaded XWin-4.2.0-21, and ran only XWin -multiwindow. The same 2
> problems arose. I notice that the size of XWin-4.2.0-20 is significantly 
> larger than XWin-4.2.0-21. Was some code removed?
> Raymond

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