
Harold Hunt
Thu Feb 21 12:58:00 GMT 2002

Cygwin/XFree86 has already been compiled.  The User's Guide tells how to
install the precompiled binaries.  There are no build host and cross
compiling host at all when you are trying to install software.

If, on the other hand, you were trying to compile Cygwin/XFree86, then you
need to look at the Contributor's Guide:


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Kesrin Hanprasert
> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 12:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: Question
> Dear Sir/Madam
>      I am learning about cygwin/Xfree86 because I use some model
> (use of C,
> Fortran and perl language) which must compile that on Window98 system.I
> loaded Cygwin/Xfree User's guide already and I try to follow that step by
> step.Now I have some question,Could you tell me?
>     1. I install Cygwin/Xfree on Window98.In this case:
>         -The native host is Window98,is't it?
>         - The build host is Cygwin,is't it?
>     2. In the case of compilling that model  according to use its on
> Window98,I must make cross-compiliing?
>     3. In the cross-compile step,I have some problem which I can't open a
> shell of cross-compile according to build gcc and binutil for
> cross-compilling because I don't understand the instruction in the User's
> guide that "Open a shell".Could you tell me ,the method for open that?
>      In my country ,nobody to recommend me about that,They use only pure
> Unix and Windows system.And it is the first time for me to use
> Cygwin/Xfree.
>     Thank you very much for your kindness.
> Best regards,
> Ms.Kesrin Hanprasert
> Thailand
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