[Feature-requests] was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 31

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Sun Jun 17 14:19:00 GMT 2001


> 1) /dev/clipboard integration - can be done through either win32
> clipboard calls or just open /dev/clipboard. If you want to post BINARY
> data to the clipboard, the best way (IMO) is to use /dev/clipboard, so
> we centralise that code (it handles binary now).

It seems that clipboard support is described in the ICCCM (Inter-Client
Communication Conventions Manual):

Page 11 of the main document section (page 16 of 70 total) mentions
selection, cutting, copying, pasting, and the clipboard.  I'll read the
ICCCM when I have time, but others with more clipboard experience could
probably implement clipboard support before I can... :)


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