fonts problem - was RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Shadow Framebuffer Test 1

Kevin Wright
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001


you wrote:
> The error "fixed" means your fonts/misc/fixed is corrupted or
> X is unable to find.

Thanks for your reply. I did an archive search and found
some references to the fixed font problem. As a result,
I was able to use my xfree86 build again by taking 
xfree86-4.0-fonts.tar.bz2 and installing it in the 
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts directory. 

What I don't understand is why I don't have all the 
correct fonts from the cvs archive of xfree86? Does
that mean that my build did not complete correctly or
that the cvs archive doesn't have all the fonts needed?

When I compare the fonts from my build with the ones from
xfree86-4.0-fonts.tar.bz2, I see the following:

WORKING                         NOT WORKING
$ du -h fonts                   $ du -h fonts.orig
702k    fonts/100dpi            139k    fonts.orig/100dpi
624k    fonts/75dpi             138k    fonts.orig/75dpi
1.0k    fonts/CID               1.0k    fonts.orig/CID
217k    fonts/cyrillic          53k     fonts.orig/cyrillic
219k    fonts/encodings/large   118k    fonts.orig/encodings/large
277k    fonts/encodings         167k    fonts.orig/encodings
508k    fonts/latin2/100dpi     115k    fonts.orig/latin2/100dpi
460k    fonts/latin2/75dpi      118k    fonts.orig/latin2/75dpi
970k    fonts/latin2            233k    fonts.orig/latin2
512     fonts/local             512     fonts.orig/local
3.1M    fonts/misc              248k    fonts.orig/misc
18k     fonts/PEX               14k     fonts.orig/PEX
269k    fonts/Speedo            269k    fonts.orig/Speedo
4.7M    fonts/ttfonts           1.0M    fonts.orig/Type1
1.0M    fonts/Type1             63k     fonts.orig/util
63k     fonts/util              2.3M    fonts.orig
12M     fonts

I see that most of the directories on my build are not as 
big and I'm completely missing the ttfonts directory.

Just wondering what could have happened and how Suhaib was
able to get the correct fonts (although at first also had a



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